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Study tips - Getting the most out of your course & retaining the information

Karen Ashton

It can be overwhelming studying a new course and booking a course is an important decision, its a commitment not only financially but to your time as well.

Its important not to read through or skip through to the best bits or more interesting bits. (Don't speed read or miss bits out.)

You should read, make notes, pause and action some of the points, then carry on reading.

Work through each module / chapter and implement the suggestions, where relevant, start actioning the ideas that are presented to you, where applicable, then move onto the next module / chapter.

How many books have you bought with all good intentions to use it productively and action the tasks and suggestions in it, only to read through, skip some bits, put it down, forget to read it for a month or so, then pick it up and forget everything you read before? Yep, me too . . . . ;-) We are only human after all. BUT . . . .

Its important to be responsible for the welfare of your business, your career, your learning, and your wellbeing as well, to get the most out of the investment you have made into your career. Happy productive business, makes a happy and motivated you!

Here are some tips to get the most out of your training & hopefully ways to help retain all the information. Lets face it, studying can be information overload!

Everyone has different styles of learning, try some different methods to find the one that best fits your learning style.

There are several learning styles, and you could be more than one of these styles:

  • Visual.

  • Kinaesthetic.

  • Aural.

  • Social.

  • Solitary.

  • Verbal.

  • Logical.

Here are a few study ideas for you:

💙Buy yourself a notepad specifically for the course

💙Make loads of notes and highlight key points (get some colourful highlighting pens, everyone loves a highlighter pen ;-))

💙Buy a pad of post-it notes & write out post-it notes of key points to focus on and stick them on your wall, in the notepad, on a notice board. Then remove them once implemented / learnt

💙Make a to do list (who doesn't love a list :-) )

💙Make voice recordings of notes and actions to take on your phone

💙Use a whiteboard to write your action plan for learning

💙Create a vision board to add to throughout the course

💙Create mind-maps of actions and things to do

💙Re-read the study notes / material to make sure you have not missed anything

💙Log your progress in your notebook or a journal / diary

💙Search for videos on YouTube specific to the subject you are learning, you will be surprised how many tutorials you will find

💙 Use google to research the subject, there is a huge amount of info available at your fingertips. Choose reputable sites to source your information, and when you find a good site, bookmark it on your device so you can find it easily

💙For anatomy specific subjects there are colouring books, crosswords, and several apps to help you

💙If there is something you are unsure of, don't be afraid to reach out and ask your tutor.

💙Find a study buddy, or an accountability partner, someone to keep your mojo going.

What study tips do you have to help you retain and learn the information?

Thank you for reading :-)

Karen xx


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